Woods and Water

Inspired by the words of Werner Herzog in “Traveling Alone, on Foot“, Ian Soroka documents his journey by bicycle from Berlin to Istanbul. Follow the full travelogue here. We will also be sure to mirror his posts on the Mutually Made Blog.

“…this site is to be an audio/visual travelogue of the route, its trans-historical, political, and linguistic borders. Berlin to Istanbul, Bismark to the Pashas, I want to seek out crumbling monuments, memories, and culinary and musical inspirations…

I’ll be carrying a change of clothes, a sweater, a solo bivy tent, spare tubes, my toothbrush, my Hasselblad camera, a sound recorder, and Don Quixote as I’ve been meaning to read it”.

Travelling Alone, on Foot (p15)

Tell me about your ideal film school.

“…Actually, for some time now I have given some thought to opening a film school. But if I did start one up you would only be allowed to fill out an application form after you had traveled alone on foot, let’s say from Madrid to Kiev, a distance of about 5,000 kilometers. While walking, write. Write about your experiences and give me your notebooks. I would be able to tell who had really walked the distance and who had not. While you are walking you would learn much more about filmmaking than if you were in a classroom. During your voyage you will learn more about filmmaking than if you were in a classroom. During your voyage you will learn more about what your future holds than in five years at film school. Your experiences would be the very opposite of academic knowledge, for academia is the death of cinema. It is the very opposite of passion”.

Woods and Water


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